Inspiring collaboration that drives positive change.
Impact Clay strives to improve the quality of life to all those in the Clay County area.
Impact Clay helps our community meet the crucial social service needs of families, individuals, and children through collaborative projects.
Impact Clay links the private, public, nonprofit and faith-based sectors to proactively improve the community. We utilize representative from each sector and key policy makers supported by a Project Advisory Counsel. This forum:
- provides a mechanism for dialogue and community problem solving
- encourages shared decision making and shared accountability at the policy and implementation level
- maximizes the use of available resources to execute and drive projects to conclusion
According to a survey taken by Clay SafetyNet Alliance
of families feel there are not adequate resources in our community to serve children and families
of school personnel and direct service workers feel there is a lack of adequate funding and policies.
believe our community’s process for decision making and problem solving cannot be viewed as an infrastructure; it is dependent on individual personalities or positions.
of families feel there are not adequate resources in our community to serve children and families
of school personnel and direct service workers feel there is a lack of adequate funding and policies.
believe our community’s process for decision making and problem solving cannot be viewed as an infrastructure; it is dependent on individual personalities or positions.
Who should be responsible to find solutions to countywide problems? Problems such as: affordable housing, unemployment, single parent childcare, transportation, hunger & nutrition, disaster relief, and so much more. Such a large task becomes impossible for any one government or organization, and the reality is — it take us ALL to solve the issues faced by our community!
It takes efforts by each sector in our community:
- Private Sector (Business)
- Non-Profit Sector (Social Services)
- Public Sector (Government)
- Faith-Based Sector (Churches)
We’ve already been able to bring County stakeholders together, assessed community needs, and received an abundance of quantified data from the County! Incredibly, all of the work to-date has been done with volunteers! If you are apart of one these sectors and feel you can contribute in some way, we want to hear from you!